Dorothy Stewart to and from Margretta Dietrich
Dorothy Stewart to and from Margretta Dietrich
Date: 1924-1950, undated
Collection: Maria Chabot Papers, MS.40
- Abstract
- MARGRETTA STEWART DIETRICH [a.k.a. "Sister Pig"; "Piggy"; "Peeg"; "Pat"; Mrs. Charles H. Dietrich] Correspondence from Dorothy Stewart to Margretta Dietrich: Eight letters and four postcards from Stewart to Dietrich, Sept. 28, 1938 - Oct. 29, 1950. The letters of October 1938 tell of the voyage returning D.N.S. and Chabot to the U.S. Many of these letters are illustrated, especially Oct. 24, 1938. Among these letters are three mimeographed press releases printed on the ship giving the world news of the day. The last letter in this section is fragmentary [the last sheet is extant, numbered "2" and "3" on the front and back], is illustrated and describes events at Mont St. Michael, a part of this voyage. Five letters written from Mexico without dates. These were likely written on various trips there. The first letter in the group mentions buying drawings from Frida Kahlo on p.6. The last two letters mention Stewart's work on a book in Mexico and arranging for its publication there. The first three letters have illustrations. Correspondence from Margretta Dietrich to Dorothy Stewart: One postcard and six letters from Dietrich to Stewart, Feb. 24, 1924 - Easter, 1935. These letters all concern life in and around Santa Fe. The letter of Sept. 11, 1932 is a detailed description of a party in Santa Fe with anecdotes about the Southwestern anthropologists Alfred Kidder, Jesse Nusbaum and Sylvanus Morley, as well as other members of Santa Fe society. The letters of April 10, 1935 - Easter, 1935 concern labor unrest in Gallup, N.M. The last letter in this group consists of only one extant page, but continues to comment on the labor unrest and other matters discussed in the preceding correspondence. Two undated letters from Dietrich to Stewart. One is written from El Paso, TX after returning from a trip to Mexico with Dietrich's friend, Alice Brock. The other is written from Santa Fe and relates incidents involving Katherine and Kenneth Chapman.
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