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Maria Chabot to Irene Zelinski
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Maria Chabot to Irene Zelinski
Date: 1962 November through 1969 January
Thirty letters, one get-well card and two notes on stock prices from Maria Chabot to Irene Zelinski, Nov. 1, 1962 – Jan. 29, 1969, are contained in this box as well as two letters from Mary Cabot Wheelwright to Irene Zelinski, Dec. 19, [1955] and Jan. 10, [1957]. Five letters, Nov. 1, 1962 – Nov. 8, 1962, written in Santa Fe concern Chabot's financial problems due to the failure of the corporation, Western Instrument Laboratories, and her inability to sell the Galeria, 551 Canyon Rd., left to her by Dorothy Stewart. The letters of Nov. 1 and 2 are noted as "Not sent." The letter of Nov. 8 describes voting in Alcalde, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. Five letters, Nov. 9, 1962 – Nov. 17, 1962, give detailed accounts of the demise of the corporation and the sale of 551 Canyon Rd. to the Santa Fe Opera, which was made possible by a contribution from Georgeanna Wight. Seven letters, Nov. 19, 1962 – Dec. 13, 1962, written in Albuquerque tell of difficulties with her aging mother, gynecological problems, selling Chabot family heirlooms, and plans for a visit to San Francisco to see Zelinski. Five letters, Jan. 15, 1963 – April 13, 1963, written from Albuquerque give Zelinski advice on a proposed trip to Greece, gifts exchanged, financial information and planning for possibly living together again, and a return to Boulder to visit the Gallets. One letter, Feb. 15, 1964, concerns financial matters, a visit by Christiane Gallet to Albuquerque, and an expected visit by Georgeanna Wight to visit Chabot; one get-well card posted Sept. 8, 1964; one letter from the Hotel Ritz, Mexico City acknowledging cancellation of reservations for Chabot and Zelinski. Six letters, Feb. 16, 1965 – July 17, 1965 written from Albuquerque. The letters of Feb. 16 and 24 concern finances primarily, and Chabot's wish to no longer be Zelinski's adviser. The letter of June 14, 1965 mentions sketches by Marin, which are in the Maria Chabot Archives – Works of Art section. The letter of July 17, 1965 talks of her house on Veranda Road, events in lives of the Gallet family, observations on Zelinski's improved mental health, and the destruction of letters from Dorothy Stewart, "500 lbs." of manuscripts by Chabot's mentor Ella Butler, and letters from Zelinski written after 1957. This letter also reflects on how Zelinski leaving her at Los Luceros in 1955 affected her life. It is followed by two notes without date on stock prices. There is one letter, Jan. 29, 1969, written from Oaxaca, Mexico, describing her travel to the Mayan ruins in the Yucatan with Paul and Gail Schmidt of Albuquerque.
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